Can Anyone Learn To Sing And Improve Their Voice?

Can anyone learn to sing is a question that I have seen asked asked quite a lot, and the answer for the most part is yes – anyone can learn to sing. My singing teacher has been tutoring a singer, who when they first started would sing a different note to the one played on…

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Learn How To Sing Higher In 3 Easy Steps

Almost all the singers I know want to know how to sing higher. It is quite a feeling to hit a high note, hold it and then bask to the applause from the audience. Some singers could be at the top of their range, and wondering how they can break through the barrier to access…

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3 Tips On How To Sing In Tune Without Trying

One of the hallmarks of a great singer is that they learned how to sing in tune and how to do it consistently. On the other end of the spectrum, when a singer struggles to stay in tune, it can be rather difficult to listen to. The goal is to learn how to sing in…

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3 Tips On How To Scream Without Damaging Your Voice

I remember hearing Robert Plant or Stevie Wonder scream those really high notes, and I always wondered how they did it. How did they learn how to scream so high? Then Jeff Buckley came along, and was doing the same thing – screaming out E & F’s above high C’s like there was no tomorrow,…

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How To Sing With Vibrato If You Have A Straight Tone

You Can Develop Vibrato Even if You Sing With A Straight Tone Today! It seems that in more modern singing styles, vibrato is not seen as something that doesn’t quite fit. If you listen to many singers, they will tend to sing a straight tone when holding long notes, and some singers may bring some…

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How To Sing From Your Diaphragm Explained

One of the most common things you read or hear said in singing circles is the statement “sing from your diaphragm”. Singing from your diaphragm is seen as the basis of good singing technique, but it can be tough for a singer to understand just how to do it. In this article, I want to…

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How To Practice Singing – What You Need To Know

How to practice singing? This is a question that is probably asked by most singers at one point in their lives. Do I just need to practice the songs I want to sing, or are there other things I should practice that will help me to become a better singer? In this article, I want…

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3 Tips To Learn How To Sing Like A Pro

So you want to learn how to sing like a pro? Make big money, have legions of adoring fans, tour the country, have number 1 albums etc. You get the picture…….. Is it good enough, just to look pretty and use studio effects like pitch shifting etc to make you sound good. Could you pull…

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How To Sing High Notes Without Strain

As singers, we all love to sing those high notes. I don’t think there is a much better feeling than nailing a high note in a performance and having the audience cheering and clapping. In this article, I want to explore the 3 tips that singers can use to help them when learning how to…

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Should We Sing Like We Speak?

In my travels I have seen many different singing techniques, from no technique at all, to singing from your hips, and more recently I saw a video clip where a vocal teacher told a student to sing from their toes – go figure. If you want to find a good teacher so you can learn…

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