3 Tips On How To Sing In Tune Without Trying

One of the hallmarks of a great singer is that they learned how to sing in tune and how to do it consistently.

On the other end of the spectrum, when a singer struggles to stay in tune, it can be rather difficult to listen to.

The goal is to learn how to sing in tune without having to try and sing in tune i.e. it comes naturally. to do this it is important that you learn to sing with a good, solid technique. We don’t want to have to use “auto tune” in order to sound good like the reporter in this video:

I am not necessarily talking about singing in a live situation where you can’t hear yourself, as it would be difficult to stay on pitch no matter how good a singer you are. I am talking about the ability to sing in tune under normal circumstances i.e. the singer can hear themselves etc.

In this post, I want to share 3 tips that can help a singer learn how to sing in tune. So let’s get cracking……

how to sing in tune image 1How To Sing In Tune Tip #1 – Remove All Interference

What interference am I talking about? There are actually several types of interference that i want to cover and i want to delve a little into each one:

  1. Interference From The Throat Muscles – This type of interference occurs when a singer uses the swallowing muscles in the throat to close the vocal cords, rather than the abdominal muscles in concert with the diaphragm. As the swallowing muscles struggle to hold the cords together consistently for singing, this can cause pitch issues for singers
  2. Interference From The Jaw – If you sing with a tight jaw, meaning the jaw has pulled forward, then there is a good chance you will lose room, resulting in a thinner tone. Tightening of the jaw may also lead to pitch problems as well.
  3. Interference From The Abdominal Muscles – If the wrong abdominal muscles are used when supporting, and you end up pushing out instead of pulling up, then the vocal cords will be kept closed by the swallowing muscles, leading to the issues mentioned in the first type of interference

As you can see, interference can cause a singer to lack vocal control, which could lead to pitch issues, along with thinner tones etc

How To Sing In Tune Tip #2 – Don’t Drive The Voice

How to sing in tune image 3Driving the voice refers to a singer taking up the lower notes into the middle and upper registers of the voice.

Basically, the singer has never learned to mix their voice i.e. mix the lower, middle and upper registers together especially around C#4 to F#4, which results in the singer not being able to sing high notes at all, or they have to yell, belt or scream to do so.

For more information on mixing the voice and how to get better at singing by mixing the voice, please click on the link.

So, how does driving the voice stop a singer from singing in tune?

When you drive the voice, it is easy to go to far and sing sharp or flat. You can go flat if you drive the voice to a higher note and you don’t quite make it, you can also push lower notes sharp as well.

If you have removed all interference and you are also mixing the voice in the middle register, then you are well on the way to be able to sing in tune. At this point, you should not really have to think about it.

How To Sing In Tune Tip #3 – Room, Room, Room

The last tip I want to cover when learning how to sing in tune, is the concept of room.

How to sing in tune image 2

What do I mean by room? Basically, we want as much space as possible for our voice to resonate so we can get the “fattest” tone possible.

Generally, the bigger the tone, the more the fundamental (main frequency of the pitch), is present, making it easier to stay in tune.

This is really about the concept of resonance, which you can use to help you learn how to improve singing power and tone..

When the main frequency of the tone is not reinforced by singing in the correct “room”, then the overtones of the pitch can become more present, leading to a weaker tone and trouble staying in tune.

Well, that about covers the 3 tips to learning how to sing in tune.


I hope you have found this article informative and you now have an idea around learning how to sing in tune. Some singers can naturally sing in tune, but for the rest of us, learning to sing with a good technique will generally solve this problem.

I wish you success in all your singing endeavors.

Andy Barnes

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  • Binny Sharma

    Reply Reply January 6, 2015

    These are among the best tips for the singing purpose i can say that.You had given such a nice and great description about the singing tips which can be helpful to everyone after reading this article.!!!Thanks!!!!!

  • Jaime Iglesias

    Reply Reply April 20, 2015


    I’m a Berklee alumni and I’ve developed a music teaching and learning software, which I believe is perfect for online/video teaching. I could explain but it’s faster if you watch these 1 minute videos.

    How to know the notes you’re singing https://youtu.be/oDKkF16ugK4

    Singing over a backing track https://youtu.be/4wgVQK_8amI

    Improvising with sax https://youtu.be/udjuy9ahDoQ

    Mock up of how it would look like on an online class https://youtu.be/EfFE_2dVKsQ

    The software is still in beta, which means I’m gathering feedback from professionals like you. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me your opinion.

    Thank you in advance.



    PS: My product was featured in Businessweek a couple of days ago, in case you want to check it out http://bloom.bg/1cBC68F

  • Jaimie

    Reply Reply January 20, 2016

    This article is not at all helpful for the beginner. You offer no information on how to actually hit the right notes, because I think you don’t understand the struggles of those of us who have no idea how to sing the correct notes.

    • Andy Barnes

      Reply Reply January 21, 2016

      Hi Jaime,

      I will review the article to see if i can make it clearer


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