Learn How to Sing by Finding the Right Course or Teacher

There are many sites, courses and other resources on and off the internet that will show you to learn how to sing. In fact, can be quite confusing actually to know which ones are good and which ones are pure snake oil.

When I first started training with a singing teacher, my voice improved quite rapidly even though I was being taught incorrectly. I think the thing that saved me was I was so young (still in my early 20’s), and my voice recovered quickly when I drove it too hard.

So how do you know you are getting the correct information. Here are some tips and tricks that I use to sort out fact from fiction:

Learn how to singLearn How To Sing by Avoiding the Following

1) Teachers that can’t sing themselves

This is the first “litmus test” I use and I have seen many examples of this over the years, especially on the internet. I have a basic tenant that the singing teacher must have a good range, good pitch and vocal tone and be able to sing better than me.

I have seen videos of online singing courses where the teacher could barely hold pitch when singing a scale and had an average vocal tone at best – the proof is in the pudding as they say.

2) Teachers that ignore the concept of support

When you first learn how to sing, the concept of support is the foundation on which everything else is built.

When I see courses or methods that don’t mention support or state that it is not needed then I would be very dubious of the information I am getting.

If you are not supporting then you are using the incorrect muscles to close the vocal chords for singing – this is anatomical fact.

Click on the link to learn how to improve your voice using support

3) Teachers that lack understanding of the vocal apparatus

Does the singing teacher know the different bones and muscles that come into play when singing?

Do they know the difference between the Cricothyroid and the Milo Hyoid muscles and what roles they perform while singing?

This is more for the advanced student who themselves has a basic understanding of the vocal apparatus, but it can come in quite handy when discerning whether someone knows their stuff – or not.

4) Teachers that use vague terms to describe technique

This is a symptom of not understanding the vocal apparatus. I personally have had singing teachers tell me to “place the voice forward” and I have heard stories from friends of a teacher who told their students to “sing from the hips”.

To actually learn how to sing properly, I need technique described to me in real terms that I can then easily put into practice.

5) Teachers that promises vocal mastery overnight

In the book “Outliers”, author Malcolm Gladwell stated that it took around 10000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a particular field. Teachers, courses etc that promise you will become a vocal master overnight are overselling and will almost certainly under deliver.

Does this mean that you won’t see improvement quickly? Absolutely not, as this will depend on how much work the student puts in, but there is a long, long way between improvement and mastery. Click on the link to learn how to sing better starting today.

Whether you have been on the journey for a while, or you are just starting to learn how to sing, I hope these tips will be useful to you when evaluating a course or a singing teacher. If you only ever use the first one, that in itself could save you from potential vocal damage.

To success in all your singing endeavors.

Andy Barnes

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