This Is How You Sing High Notes

The above video shows a naval officer singing God Bless America. I have to say that this is a great example of correct singing and vocal coordination when singing a modern style of music.

You really hear this coordination kick in when he hits the F#4 on the lyric “foam” (around the 0:36 mark). You can also hear it when he sings the lyric “oceans” as well (which is on E4).

As I have mentioned in other articles, the octave between C4 and C5 is the critical area of the voice that all singers, no matter what the voice type or gender, have to learn to navigate in order to “bridge” their lower register with their upper register.

As he goes higher, it gets even better, as the G#4 he sings on the lyric “God” is an excellent note that is made easier to hit because the F#4 he sings before it has a 50/50 mix of the upper and lower registers in the sound.

Also notice that he makes use of his natural vibrato and doesn’t try to sing with a flat tone even though he is a modern singer. Also note that when he does flatten his vibrato, he eventually brings it back in towards the end of the note and you can hear the difference having the vibrato makes to the quality of the note.

Finally, the last note he hits is a B4 (or a B before high C). Again, notice that he doesn’t drive the note, or yell, or even have to work that hard to hit it, he opens his mouth and lets resonance do the job. When you are singing notes this high, this is the kind of sound that you want to hear (for males obviously).

He was able to hit this note easily because the note before it (on the lyric “sweet”), was also very well coordinated, and was also right in the middle of the critical octave. How you sing in the critical part of you voice (C4 – C5), will determine your ability to hit those high notes as well as how good they will sound.

This is a shorter post today, but I wanted to share this video with you, because I think it is a great example of correct singing in a more modern style.


Andy Barnes

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  • Sam

    Reply Reply December 3, 2015

    An interesting critique or talk through this piece. Why don’t you follow this up with a line by line breakdown of this using your own voice demonstrating your points in this video please?

  • Andy Barnes

    Reply Reply December 9, 2015

    That’s a great idea. I will see if I could put something up over the next few weeks

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